my latest book!
"How to
Live Like a Banker"
Learn why a Private Family Bank
is likely your best hope to safely and dependably accumulate
wealth for any purpose.
Check out the blog
Hear our latest thoughts on important financial topics like debt elimination, saving for retirement, saving for a child's education, self-financing major purchases, and more.
what others say
Read a few of the comments I've received over more than a quarter century of helping people get on track to their desired financial outomes.
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“You can either make yourself rich or the banks rich. Pick one!”
The same dollars you're paying on past purchases you made with credit are the dollars
you should be focusing on your
future financial security.
Join our YouTube channel
- At least once a month I present a free teaching in a webinar. If you're on our email list or in my social media tribe, you'll get an invite.
- You'll learn important stuff, like how to develop a customized financial plan that can get you from where you are now to where you really want to end up.
- You might learn how to manage your spending, without totally depriving yourself, so that there's more money than there is month. :-)
- You might even hear about a unique cash accumulation and deployment platform, called a "Private Family Bank," that can build your cash, finance major purchases, eliminate debts, and fund investments!

Your Choice...
"Your life today is the result of the choices you've made up to now. Your life tomorrow will be the result of the choices you start making today."
What Others Say!
John Cummuta not only defines our major obstacles in achieving financial security; he gives us the transportation vehicle to take us from "over the rainbow" to the actual realization of the American Dream.
Author of The Psychology of Winning Denis Waitley
Thanks to your systems I have already gotten out of debt and have built equity and wealth for my self and family. I have even started my own business which is exploding in growth.
Financial course student Cordes Owen
By faithfully following the things I learned form you, I was quickly able to pay off all of my debts including my school loans, my two credit cards and my car, and I was able to put together a decent down payment to buy a home with an FHA loan.
Financial course student Tony Hanlon
I just wanted to let you know my wife and I are now taking the next step in our wealth-building plan...moving to a wonderful barrier island off the coast of Alabama in the Gulf of Mexico. We thank God for you! And we thank you for all you taught us about freedom from debt and building wealth.
Financial course students Bill and Anne Boylan
"Only invest your time with positive people.
They'll give you a much better ROI."